Toulou Toumou -

The Search for the first Flash Game

Year of release: 2023-2024
Platform: Web
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A series of articles written between 2023 and 2024 to chronicle my research to find the first Flash game ever released.

Since 2020 I have written several video games related articles that I published on Medium, one about the history of Prizee, a french free-to-play web game. Since then I opened a blog to complement my work on the Museum of Screens, to talk about the history of web games.

This series of articles was an attempt at a new format, to serialize my research on a specific topic: the search for the first Flash game. I have chosen this topic because Flash was such a creative force on the Internet years ago, but its early history is at risk of being lost, and there is a lot of disinformation related to which was the first Flash game. Exploring this topic allowed me to talk about the evolution of the Internet, Flash pioneers and what can we learn from the past.